Vitamin D3 and Immunity
Once the ultraviolet B radiation from the sun penetrates our skin’s epidermis, our body begins the production of vitamin D, or specifically vitamin D3.
EPAs v DHAs – What’s the difference and how do they work?
We’ve all heard the advice to make sure we’re regularly eating servings of good quality fatty fish, but why? What’s all the fuss about omega 3s?
Cycling Vitamin C and Zinc for optimum immunity
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans and contributes to immune defence by bolstering the function of both the innate and adaptive immune system. It is also a powerful...
When Should I Be Taking My Micros?
So you’ve done it. You’ve taken steps to start prioritising your micros; improving your recovery, elevating your performance and strengthening your immunity. Now you’ve decided on the what, the next...
A breakdown of Vitamin Bs
Vitamin B is of particular interest to athletes because of the role this group of vitamins play in many metabolic processes that are directly related to performance – including but...
فيتامين دي . ك . الكالسيوم
لقد تم إثبات دور الكالسيوم في الحفاظ على صحة العظام الإيجابية. ويتم ذلك من خلال مزيج من الأبحاث العلمية القوية، إلى جانب رسائل الصحة العامة القوية التي ساعدت في ترسيخ...
How Calcium Citrate powers performance
The health of the skeletal system is a critical part of the overall health of the athletic population. To prevent osteoporosis and bone stress injuries in athletes, adequate calcium and...
What are Glycosaminoglycans?
While this term may seem unfamiliar to the vast majority, glycosaminoglycans (or GAGs for short) are simply an umbrella category for a range of familiar compounds including collagen, hyaluronic acid,...
Building our Formulation Team
The journey to PILLAR Performance started alongside my professional rugby career. I was amazed by the way Omega 3 fish oil and curcumin allowed me to carve out more years...
Immune vulnerability and excessive physical exertion
Of the twelve biological systems in the human body, one has undoubtedly taken centre stage in recent years – the immune system – and frankly, it’s about time. The elusive...
Why not all Magnesium is created equal
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals and essential for over three hundred biochemical processes within the body. These processes range from assisting in getting a good night’s sleep,...
Certified products with Informed Sport
Athletes competing at the highest level are bound by strict anti-doping rules that prevent the use of a range of substances either for health, safety or performance reasons. An unintentional...
OptiMSM® - how does it work?
The PILLAR Performance difference? Our ingredient selection. We use patented, clinical strength ingredients from across the global to help fuel your training program...
NEM®: Egg shell membrane and your joints
MOTION ARMOUR is a first-to-market combination of patented ingredients NEM®, 5-LOXIN® along with curcumin...